2020 Goals
A. County Infrastructure and Assets​
Coordinate the development of a County-wide infrastructure plan.
Coordinate in finding and writing grants to fund infrastructure development.
Continue to lead in the development of additional broadband speed, capacity, and redundancy.
Increase the utilization of the Mount Massive Golf Course. Continue to participate on the board and with projects as needed.
Housing - While this continues to be an area of high need there are other groups that are working on this issue. The EDC will continue to be involved but will not take the leading role. Our level of participation will be dependent on need.
B. Commercial Property Airport Industrial Park
Continue to take a leading role on this project. Once the county has procured a release for the property from the FAA and completed an appraisal, The EDC can begin to move forward.
Write grants to develop the infrastructure including sewer.
Work with the BOCC to schedule power and gas installation.
Solicit an anchor tenant.
Solicit additional tenants to fill out the park.
C. Develop a Strategy for Business Attraction
Focus on business that have products and services not currently available in Lake County but are desired by current residents. This would include location neutral workers.
Develop a strategy to identify business opportunities that take advantage of our unique location and climate, such as high altitude testing of products and equipment.
Develop a profile of our workforce. Understand the additional training that may be required to have a workforce capable to meet the needs of companies we are trying to attract. Leverage community partners in developing the programs to provide this training.
URA- Act as a resource to businesses interested in taking advantage of the associated incentives.
Assist in the development and buildout of the Railyard project - ongoing as needed.
Support the development of a resort Hotel. This does not currently have any known activity. Support as needed if the project resumes.
D. Business Assistance
Continue the BR&E program. Develop a relationship with the SBDC. Utilize them as a resource for business owner assistance. Collaborate to insure that BR&E continues to happen in Lake County and that feedback is used to improve the business climate.
Utilize input from BR&E interviews to provide training that is being requested.
Coordinate trainings with SBDC. Utilize their training offerings when appropriate.
SCORE- Continue to use score mentors to provide business assistance when appropriate.
Continue to promote the availability of the Mountain Top Healthcare program to county residents and businesses.
Enhance historic downtown. Support the Main Street program. Educate property owners on the use and benefits of the URA, historic tax credits, and other incentives that may apply.
E. Improve Business Climate
Continue to function as the primary source for developers, investors, businesses, and entrepreneurs for doing business in Lake County.
Continue to develop a commercial property database to facilitate business location.
Solicit input to identify roadblocks and work with appropriate entities to reduce or eliminate them.
Continue to direct developers of major and minor subdivisions to appropriate resources in the county.
Recreational Tourism - Continue to participate on the Tourism Panel. Participation will be flexible dependent on need.
Restoration of the Tabor Opera House- Support this project as appropriate.
Other Initiatives
Mountaintop Healthcare Program - Launched a new healthcare alternative in 2019 offering preventative and major medical coverage for LLCEDC members at dramatically lower rates than other alternatives. Learn more...
Development Concierge - Started in 2018 to inform major subdivision and commercial developers about the development process in Leadville and Lake County as well as to provide resources and information on plans, data, available incentives and community needs.
Other LLCEDC activities
Affordable Housing - We participate in the Housing Coalition and Housing Implementation Team, the High-Country Workforce Collaborative with Summit, Eagle and Lake County government officials, non-profits and major employers to increase supports for our large commuting workforce.
Workforce Development - We offer non-credit training courses with Colorado Mountain College based off of input from local businesses and major employers on their greatest needs, as well as work to expand local job creation.
Recreational Tourism - We assist the Lake County Tourism Panel with grant applications (like for their new 5-year marketing plan in 2018 and implementation dollars to act on the plan in 2019 that were received) and other assistance like the successful application for Leadville to host the 2020 Snowshoe National Championships.